Friday, October 9, 2009

A Drop of Rain.....

I would like to be a drop of rain,
Full of love, and least pain
Would fall on you,
Starting from forehead,
Through the eyes,
To the cheek rose bed,
From your eyes,
Would steal all dreams,
Halt at your lips,
Silence all the screams,
Moving to the throat,
Would steal the songs unsung,
Then would race down to heart,
On the wall of which, my picture is hung,
Would take my time,
And go round the belly,
To steal the sweetness,
Of residing sweet jelly,
Then as if satisfied,
Not really, to the fullest,
Would wonder along your lavishing curves,
Reach to the feet, would take rest,
And then as you walk on,
Will go to my lifes end,
Absorbed by the mother earth,
With the soul left to suspend....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Time to make up.....

The game lost,
Still pinches my brain,
Rising adrenaline,
Full fledge in veins,
Yes its like, battle,
A battle lost,
Had to be won,
At any cost,
Reasons are many,
Excuses even more,
Like hunters brooding over,
The escaped wild boar,
Lots of books say,
Learn from the mistake,
But they never know,
What is at stake,
They say failure,
Is the best teacher,
Who will explain them,
Its for the class richer,
You miss your shot,
You lose your life,
We are those who live,
On the edge of knife,
The fire within,
Should never extinguish,
Or no human,
Is ever distinguished,
That’s all we learn,
From the battle lost,
So how do we compensate,
And at what cost?
So, my colleagues,
Please wake up,
Rise on your feet,
Its time to make up! (For your loss)