Saturday, June 26, 2010

Beautiful lines....from various sources - 1

I recently read a novel called "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin. Its a very old novel with a lady in her early 20's as the central character, who is rebellious and wants to break away from the American traditions of the late 1800s. This book was last copy righted in 1899. I like to read such old novels because when I read them, I feel as if I am travelling to that era with the novel's characters. A good lot of such e-books (downloadable pdfs) whose copyrights have not been renewed since a very long time has been digitized by google and is available on
Following are some fantastic lines or qoutes that I came across while reading the novel:

1. He fell in love, as men are in habit of doing, and pressed his suit with earnestness and an ardor, which left nothing to be desired.

2. I was a little unthinking child in those days, just following a misleading impulse without question.
     [This is when Mrs Pontellier (the central character) is thinking about her childhood days.]

3. ..when life appeared to her a grotesque pandemonium and humanity like worms struggling blindly towards inevitable annihilation.

4. She felt somewhat like a woman who in a moment of passion is betrayed into an act of infidelity, and realizes the significance of the act without being wholly awakened from its glamour.
    [Perfect explaination of a woman who has just fallen for something against the social law but enjoying it at the same time.]

5. She looked into their faces with hungry eyes that could be satisfied with looking.
   [The line is self explanatory!]

6. All along the journey homeward their presence lingered with her like the memory of a delicious song.
    [Fantastic comparison or illustration!]

7. “In some way you seem to me like a child Edna. You seem to act without a certain amount of reflection which is necessary in life.”

I am now searching for another fantastic novel by Kate Chopin!