Friday, November 6, 2009

The Kissing Bridge..

Guys, this is a beautiful short story, I read it in a mail from one of my friends.
Read it in one go, and "concentrate" on the last part :)

I wondered how to name this short story and Kissing Bridge was the only thing that came to mind. This is a real life story, from my own life. (Yes, I do intend to hang on to my wonderful husband.)

- Oh come on… I sighed.

- No, you come on! My husband was already a few steps on the bridge.

My feet were killing me. Really. We had taken a cheap trip to Rome, Italy, for three days. We love city holidays and love to walk as much as we can to see as much as we can.

Only this time my feet were telling me they had seen quite enough for the day, thankyouverymuch. All I wanted to do was to flop on a cafeteria chair and ask the waiter to bring me the list. And there my husband was at it again - striding eagerly toward the opposite shore. Crossing the river Tiber. Again. This must have been bridge number seven. When ever he saw a bridge, over he went.

I mean Tiber is no great sight. It just flows there way below the street level (well, at least now it was well below the embankment), there are no restaurants overlooking the river, and quite frankly I had seen the plastic bags and other garbage hanging from the tree branches hanging low over the river - probably brought there by some flood - and from the looks of them most of the garbage had been there for ever. No one seemed to be interested in cleaning them away. Rome wasn´t the cleanest of places…

Well, it didn´t seem to stop my husbands enthusiasm to cross the river. So I just had to follow if I did not want to remain standing there. Tiredly I walked after him, holding my umbrella (it was spring so there were occasional showers). After a while he stopped and turned to wait for me. When I got to where he was standing, he gave me a kiss, much to the amusement of the passers-by.

- Why do you want to go over all these bridges? I asked.

In answer he kissed me again.

- I asked you why…

Another kiss.

- Why…

A kiss again.

And then I got it.

We had been together since we were eighteen - over twenty years already. And almost at the very beginning had started a habit our friends thought rather amusing. Neither one of us remembers anymore why we started it. But in short: when ever we walk over a bridge, in the middle of it we give each other a little kiss. We called it "bridge kiss", of course.

My husband was grinning like a little boy.

- I like this city! he said, - Lots of good kissing bridges around! Look! There´s one more down the river!

I looked. Yes. A new bridge, again.

- Lets go! He waved his hand and turned to continue walking.

And this time my feet felt light as feathers when I headed for the next kissing bridge.

Sometimes we are so concentrated on staring at our own toes we don´t pay attention to the wonderful romantic gestures our spouses offer to us. Especially if we are very tired it can be easy for those little gestures to go unnoticed. And yet your spouse is doing those little extra things to bring a little joy and relief in your day.

You might consider this little exercise: for one whole day pay attention to all the little things your significant other does to you to make your life a bit easier. It can be as simple as buttering your bread at breakfast table. Or sending you that little message to your cell phone. Giving you a hug. Opening the door for you. There are so many little things we don´t pay attention to even though we should.

So pay attention - and then let your special someone know you noticed - and appreciate. When we start paying attention to the good thing in our spouses, suddenly the good things are everywhere. It´s just a matter of perspective...

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Drop of Rain.....

I would like to be a drop of rain,
Full of love, and least pain
Would fall on you,
Starting from forehead,
Through the eyes,
To the cheek rose bed,
From your eyes,
Would steal all dreams,
Halt at your lips,
Silence all the screams,
Moving to the throat,
Would steal the songs unsung,
Then would race down to heart,
On the wall of which, my picture is hung,
Would take my time,
And go round the belly,
To steal the sweetness,
Of residing sweet jelly,
Then as if satisfied,
Not really, to the fullest,
Would wonder along your lavishing curves,
Reach to the feet, would take rest,
And then as you walk on,
Will go to my lifes end,
Absorbed by the mother earth,
With the soul left to suspend....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Time to make up.....

The game lost,
Still pinches my brain,
Rising adrenaline,
Full fledge in veins,
Yes its like, battle,
A battle lost,
Had to be won,
At any cost,
Reasons are many,
Excuses even more,
Like hunters brooding over,
The escaped wild boar,
Lots of books say,
Learn from the mistake,
But they never know,
What is at stake,
They say failure,
Is the best teacher,
Who will explain them,
Its for the class richer,
You miss your shot,
You lose your life,
We are those who live,
On the edge of knife,
The fire within,
Should never extinguish,
Or no human,
Is ever distinguished,
That’s all we learn,
From the battle lost,
So how do we compensate,
And at what cost?
So, my colleagues,
Please wake up,
Rise on your feet,
Its time to make up! (For your loss)

Monday, September 28, 2009


It was a rainy,

Cold, evening,

Was trying to match with him,

My thought tuning,

At one point of time,

Our tuning matched exact,

His thought was, as mine,

On our bike, we were on the track,

Speedometer showed,

Speed of bike, above par,

Which, went to zero,

At the door of heavenly bar,

With dry hearts,

And clothes drenched,

We stepped in the bar,

Beer to be quenched,

We sat on a table,

Lighted a cigar,

A face known long back,

Appeared at a distance far,

Smoke in the room,

Made my vision hazy,

Two mugs of beer down,

Making my mind lazy,

The face came,

Closer to me,

My heart pounded, thought,

“This was to be”,

Eyes told my mind,

That it was her,

Movement inside my heart,

Making my body stiffer,

Looking in my eyes,

She gave me a smile.

I got the message,

She wished to, talk for a while,

But all these years,

Living life alone,

Had made my heart,

Dead, hard as a stone,

She looked at me,

Said “hi” twice,

And my mind,

Then broke the ice,

Wit my ears, ignoring the sound,

I turned my face around,

‘Don’t do that’,

My friend said…

And I told him,

“Its time to move ahead”

-- Yodhey

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

When I Was Born

At the time when I was born,
I had no friends, no enemies,
Didn’t have any plans,
Nor had any memories,
All that I had was,
Empty space in my mind,
Didn’t know what it was,
To be cruel, to be kind,
I didn’t know what it was,
To be happy, or in pain,
Wasn’t even aware,
Of what was Loss, or gain,
It was a pleasant, numb,
Shapeless, flawless existence,
But as I grew up,
It lost its persistence,
More and more definitions,
Were added to my mind,
And the pure truth,
Became harder to find,
Differentiation became,
The basis of perceptions,
There were rules, and more rules,
But with exceptions,
The magnitude of complexity,
Went higher and higher,
The purpose of existence,
Flew higher and higher,

To be Continued................